Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Johannesburg, South Africa

After a smooth, flight DFW to Washington DC, to Johannesburg. I am sitting here tired and catching up on the blog. In a couple of hours I will be flying onto Harare, Zimbabe. I met Greg Jenks of ZOE Ministry in Washington and we have made a new friend a retired Zimbabwean pastor who is returning home to see how he can influence his country and the disaster it is in. He is obviously heartbroken. I have caught up on my travel email that Dana contacts me at - and I know my family are a little worried and missing me...but this will be a great adventure with many things to bring back and share with the Church that hopefully will open eyes and help the way we do things. Right now though I am praying that God will keep us all safe and put us to good purpose. Please pray for us and the work we will do. Pray that God will open our eyes and our ears to listen and our hearts to love those we meet on this journey


  1. Julie,
    You are in my prayers as you embark on this worthwile journey. I have posted a short notice about your trip in the UMVIM blog to direct readers to your "mission prescription" blog. May you be blessed and have safe travels.

  2. Hi Julie - I know you are doing much to further the health care of many in Liberia and Zimbabwe... Thank you... take care
